
You have access to the colors from the html and change the background color with the _bg attribute.


<div _bg="red">I'm a red div</div>
<div _bg="green">I'm a green div</div>
<div _bg="blue">I'm a blue div</div>


I'm a red div
I'm a green div
I'm a blue div

But you can also use colors in many places, such as on text, alerts etc...


<h4 _font="red">I'm a red text</h4>
<div _alert="purple">I'm a purple alert</div>
<button _btn="amber outline">I'm a amber button</button>


I'm a red text

I'm a purple alert

For color list, refer here

Possible values

Value Description
[color] you can use all colors



You also have a way to add margins simply with _margin


<div _margin="0">Margin 0</div>
<div _margin="1">Margin 1</div>
<div _margin="2">Margin 2</div>
<div _margin="3">Margin 3</div>
<div _margin="4">Margin 4</div>
<div _margin="5">Margin 5</div>
<div _margin="6">Margin 6</div>
<div _margin="7">Margin 7</div>
<div _margin="8">Margin 8</div>
<div _margin="9">Margin 9</div>
<div _margin="10">Margin 10</div>


Margin 0
Margin 1
Margin 2
Margin 3
Margin 4
Margin 5
Margin 6
Margin 7
Margin 8
Margin 9
Margin 10

You can precise the direction with the first letter prefix


<div _margin="l-5">Margin left 5</div>
<div _margin="t-5">Margin top 5</div>
<div _margin="r-5">Margin right 5</div>
<div _margin="b-5">Margin bottom 5</div>
Margin left 5
Margin top 5
Margin right 5
Margin bottom 5

Value Description
0..10 0 through 10 (or logic limitation)
l-0..10 left marge
r-0..10 right marge
t-0..10 top marge
b-0..10 bottom marge
x-0..10 left & right marge
y-0..10 top & down marge
md:0..10 breakpoints is available


Padding too with attribute _padding


<div _padding="0">Padding 0</div>
<div _padding="1">Padding 1</div>
<div _padding="2">Padding 2</div>
<div _padding="3">Padding 3</div>
<div _padding="4">Padding 4</div>
<div _padding="5">Padding 5</div>
<div _padding="6">Padding 6</div>
<div _padding="7">Padding 7</div>
<div _padding="8">Padding 8</div>
<div _padding="9">Padding 9</div>
<div _padding="10">Padding 10</div>


Padding 0
Padding 1
Padding 2
Padding 3
Padding 4
Padding 5
Padding 6
Padding 7
Padding 8
Padding 9
Padding 10

The value of the margin or padding is alway the value x5, so a margin 5 is a 25px marge.

You can precise the direction with the first letter prefix


<div _padding="l-5">Padding left 5</div>
<div _padding="t-5">Padding top 5</div>
<div _padding="r-5">Padding right 5</div>
<div _padding="b-5">Padding bottom 5</div>
Padding left 5
Padding top 5
Padding right 5
Padding bottom 5

Value Description
0..10 0 through 10 (or logic limitation)
l-0..10 left marge
r-0..10 right marge
t-0..10 top marge
b-0..10 bottom marge
x-0..10 left & right marge
y-0..10 top & down marge
md:0..10 breakpoints is available


You have the possibility to format your titles and texts to the desired size.



<h1>I'm a header 1</h1>
<p _font="h1">I'm a header 1 too</p>

<h3>I'm a header 3</h3>
<p _font="h3">I'm a header 3 too</p>

<h5>I'm a header 5</h5>
<p _font="h5">I'm a header 5 too</p>


I'm a header 1

I'm a header 1 too

I'm a header 3

I'm a header 3 too

I'm a header 5

I'm a header 5 too

Value Description
h1..h6 Header 1 to 6


You can change the text alignement

<p _font="left">I'm a left text</p>

<p _font="right">I'm a right text</p>

<p _font="center">I'm a centered text</p>

<p _font="justify">I'm a justify text</p>


I'm a left text

I'm a right text

I'm a centered text

I'm a justify text

Value Description
left left text alignement
right right text alignement
center center text alignement
justify justify text alignement


You can change the text transform

<p _font="upper">I'm a uppercase text</p>
<!-- can use upper and uppercase -->

<p _font="lower">I'm a lowercase text</p>
<!-- can use lower and lowercase -->

<p _font="capitalize">I'm a capitalized text</p>
<!-- can use cap, capital and capitalize -->


I'm a uppercase text

I'm a lowercase text

I'm a capitalized text

Value Description
upper, uppercase upper text transformation
lower, lowercase lower text transformation
cap, capital, capitalize capitalize text transformation


You can change the font weight

<p _font="bold">I'm a bold text</p>

<p _font="bolder">I'm a bolder text</p>

<p _font="lighter">I'm a light text</p>

<p _font="normal">I'm a light text</p>


I'm a bold text

I'm a bolder text

I'm a light text

I'm a light text

Value Description
bold bold font weight
bolder bolder font weight
lighter lighter font weight
normal normal font weight


You can change the font decoration

<p _decoration="del">I'm a deleted text</p>

<p _decoration="underline">I'm a underlined text</p>

<a href="#" _decoration="none">I'm a none underlined link</a>


I'm a deleted text

I'm a underlined text

I'm a non decorated link

Value Description
del, linethrough deleted text decoration
underline underlined text decoration
none none decorated text decoration

Others transformations

You can change to italic


<p _font="italic">I'm an italic text</p>


I'm an italic text

You can change highlight some text

I'm a <span _font="mark">highlighted</span> text
<!-- you can use highlight value too -->


I'm a highlighted text


You can choose to show or hide something width some attributes


<div _show="true">I'm a visible div</div>
<div _show="false">I'm a non visible div</div>

<div _hide="true">I'm a non visible div</div>
<div _hide="false">I'm a visible div</div>

<!-- More logical exemple -->
<div _hide="md:false lg:true">I'm a non visible div</div>


I'm a visible div
I'm a non visible div
I'm a non visible div
I'm a visible div
I'm a non visible div between md and lg size


Some of the most used flexbox attributes and values is available

For make your container flex, you can use the attribute _display, see more here about.

<div _display="flex">
  <!-- Your content -->

<!-- Dont forget rows are flexboxes too -->
<div _row>
  <!-- Your content -->


<div _display="flex" _direction="row"></div>
<!-- This is the default value-->

<div _display="flex" _direction="reverse"></div>

<div _display="flex" _direction="col"></div>

<div _display="flex" _direction="col reverse"></div>
Value Description
row flex direction: row
reverse flex direction: row-reverse
col, column flex direction: column
col reverse flex direction: column-reverse


<div _display="flex" _wrap="wrap"></div>
<!-- This is the default value-->

<div _display="flex" _wrap="nowrap"></div>

<div _display="flex" _wrap="reverse"></div>
Value Description
wrap flex wrap: wrap
nowrap flex wrap: nowrap
reverse, wrap-reverse flex wrap: wrap-reverse


<div _display="flex" _justify="start"></div>
<!-- This is the default value-->

<div _display="flex" _justify="end"></div>

<div _display="flex" _justify="center"></div>

<div _display="flex" _justify="around"></div>

<div _display="flex" _justify="between"></div>

<div _display="flex" _justify="evenly"></div>
Value Description
start justify content: start
end justify content: end
center justify content: center
around justify content: space-around
between justify content: space-between
evenly justify content: space-evenly


<div _display="flex" _items="stretch"></div>

<div _display="flex" _items="start"></div>

<div _display="flex" _items="end"></div>

<div _display="flex" _items="center"></div>

<div _display="flex" _items="baseline"></div>
Value Description
stretch align items: stretch
start align items: start
end align items: end
center align items: center
baseline align items: baseline


<div _display="flex" _content="normal"></div>
<!-- This is the default value-->

<div _display="flex" _content="start"></div>

<div _display="flex" _content="end"></div>

<div _display="flex" _content="center"></div>

<div _display="flex" _content="between"></div>

<div _display="flex" _content="around"></div>

<div _display="flex" _content="evenly"></div>

<div _display="flex" _content="stretch"></div>
Value Description
normal align content: normal
start align content: start
end align content: end
center align content: center
between align content: space-between
around align content: space-around
evenly align content: space-evenly
stretch align content: stretch



Your can add some border-radius with attribute _round


<div _round>I'am a default rounded div</div>
<div _round="0">I'am a none rounded div</div>
<div _round="1">I'am a 1 rounded div</div>
<div _round="2">I'am a 2 rounded div</div>
<div _round="3">I'am a 3 rounded div</div>
<div _round="4">I'am a 4 rounded div</div>
<div _round="5">I'am a 5 rounded div</div>
<div _round="6">I'am a 6 rounded div</div>
<div _round="7">I'am a 7 rounded div</div>
<div _round="8">I'am a 8 rounded div</div>
<div _round="9">I'am a 9 rounded div</div>
<div _round="10">I'am a 10 rounded div</div>
<div _round="full">I'am a full rounded div</div>


I'am a default rounded div
I'am a none rounded div
I'am a 1 rounded div
I'am a 2 rounded div
I'am a 3 rounded div
I'am a 4 rounded div
I'am a 5 rounded div
I'am a 6 rounded div
I'am a 7 rounded div
I'am a 8 rounded div
I'am a 9 rounded div
I'am a 10 rounded div
I'am a full rounded div
Value Description
0..10 5px x size border-radius
full, circle 100% border-radius


Your can add some shadows with attribute _shadow


<div _shadow>I'am a default shadowed div</div>
<div _shadow="0">I'am a none shadowed div</div>
<div _shadow="1">I'am a 1 shadowed div</div>
<div _shadow="2">I'am a 2 shadowed div</div>
<div _shadow="3">I'am a 3 shadowed div</div>
<div _shadow="4">I'am a 4 shadowed div</div>
<div _shadow="5">I'am a 5 shadowed div</div>
<div _shadow="6">I'am a 6 shadowed div</div>
<div _shadow="7">I'am a 7 shadowed div</div>
<div _shadow="8">I'am a 8 shadowed div</div>
<div _shadow="9">I'am a 9 shadowed div</div>
<div _shadow="10">I'am a 10 shadowed div</div>


I'am a default shadowed div
I'am a none shadowed div
I'am a 1 shadowed div
I'am a 2 shadowed div
I'am a 3 shadowed div
I'am a 4 shadowed div
I'am a 5 shadowed div
I'am a 6 shadowed div
I'am a 7 shadowed div
I'am a 8 shadowed div
I'am a 9 shadowed div
I'am a 10 shadowed div


You can add _responsive attribute to your images for make them responsive

<img src="" />

<img _responsive src="" />